useful ressources to learn english easily

sigh... are you looking at my website but don't understand anything ?

i gotchu !1 not everybody spoke or understood like they were born and raised in the states

at first try !so i'm making this part of my website for the non english speakers

out there... i see you french people.. bonjour.

this page can also apply to the learning of other languages

bbc's learning english program

the title says it all....

oxford international englsih study
.the best ways to learn english by yourself , outside of the classroom


learn english through music :3( will help you to enhance your listening etc..

i also reccomend this channel :3

language learning website

british council's learning english courses

lots of ressources to learn english. suitable for all levels

i already can see the people about to ask me " ERM where is duolingo "

the problem with duolingo is that it's not really useful to learn english with it in the long term, it's still a cool app

a tip for you, fellow english learner..

you can use a few methods to learn english effectively everyday for example.. “RLWS” Everyday

  • R-read

    read english newspaper/magazine and/or good books daily.

    note down the new words into a separate note pad with meaning by the help of dictionary.

  • L-listen

    listen to audio’s from TED Talks, there you have the world class audios for various topics

    .you can also watch your favorite films in VO ,first with english substitles... or podcasts !

  • W-write

    try writing essays every month with new words you have learned !!1

    (it will increase your writing skill and also keeps those new words in your memory loooonnng time)

  • S-speak

    If you follow the first three steps this will be easier ,

    speak with english speakers to study their pronounciations